Stratford Manor’s PSHE curriculum is designed to help children understand and value who they are, and how they relate to others. It is designed to teach high-quality, age-appropriate, pupil-sensitive, evidence-based PSHE, that demonstrates a respect for the law and all communities that call Newham home. It helps children to learn about themselves and the world they live in, giving them the skills, understanding and information they need for life. This will help them to stay safe and to flourish, not just in childhood, but into adulthood and for the rest of their lives.
Our children are growing up in an increasingly complex world with new opportunities, but also new challenges. As a school, we want our children to flourish in the world they find themselves and to give them the skills and knowledge they need to help prepare them for life, PSHE is an essential part of this.
Our PSHE curriculum covers everything in the Dfe statutory guidance for RSHE. Many aspects of RSHE are also developed through other subjects including Science, PE, DT and Computing. This helps deepen the children’s understanding as they have opportunities to apply their learning in different contexts.
Our main teaching resource is the award-winning Jigsaw PSHE scheme of work developed by teachers and well-being experts. Teachers use and adapt the scheme to meet the needs of their class and our school community. It explores the children’s sense of identity and community, celebrating difference, personal dreams and goals, staying healthy, maintaining positive relationships and prepares them for how their bodies and lives will change as they grow older.
We believe that children learn best when we work in partnership with parents and carers. Before sensitive content around relationships and changing bodies is taught in PSHE, we invite parents in to share the teaching materials and offer the chance to answer questions.