The Manor Curriculum is built around the statutory National Curriculum and the six school threads: Identity, Sustainability, Peace & Conflict, Social Equality, Decision Making and Our Rights. These threads are repeated throughout year groups from EYFS to Year 6. The National Curriculum, school threads and values interweave together to create an ambitious curriculum that we are proud of.
Our ‘Manor Curriculum’ launched in September 2021.
Our Rights: As humans, we all require and deserve our needs to be met and are committed about making sure this happens for ourselves and others. We recognise our duty to respect, defend and champion the rights of all on our planet. We consider the consequences of our words and actions on others being able to live happy, healthy lives and passionately challenge when rights are not respected. | |
Identity: Human beings have the same basic needs but many different ways of meeting them. Differences in gender, culture, class, nationality, religion, ethnicity, language and status may all be significant in explaining these variations and in shaping identity. To thrive in such a diverse and fast-changing world, learners need to feel confident in their own identity; but they should also be open to engaging positively with other identities and cultures, and able to recognise and challenge stereotypes. | |
Sustainability: How we share and use the earth’s resources affects the health of the planet and of everyone with whom we share it – now and in the future. There are many different interpretations of sustainable development, but at its heart lies a recognition that our relationship with the earth needs to acknowledge the limits of finite resources and the impact in not preserving these will have. | |
Peace & Conflict: In all communities – from local neighbourhoods to the international level – there are conflicts of interest and disagreements. As a result there is a continual need to develop rules, laws, customs and systems that all people accept as reasonable and fair. Issues of peace and conflict are thus inevitably bound up with questions of social justice. | |
Social Equity: Central to global citizenship is the idea that all human beings belong to a single human race, share a common humanity and are of equal worth. Yet beliefs about the superiority of different groups, and about which groups belong and which do not, continue to be expressed through words, behaviour and systems: sometimes (albeit often unintentionally), these are reflected in the practices of some individuals and groups. | |
Decision Making: Our world is reliant on knowing our roles and responsibilities within a system. It is important our pupils know the importance of multiple voices in the success of a system but also that this needs to be built on equality. We must provide the requisite skills to challenge inequalities within a system. Exploring societies from the past and those currently can inform the future. |