Stratford Manor Primary is a very inclusive school and this is recognised by our award of Flagship status from the Inclusion Quality Mark. If you have any questions, comments or queries regarding inclusion and special educational needs, please contact Sarah Dunn at the school.
Stratford Manor warmly welcomes all pupils within our community regardless of their ability or needs. Children with Special Education Needs will be admitted to the school, subject to the additional support they require being available from within existing school resources or being provided by the Local Education Authority. As a Victorian building, the physical environment of the school site prevents us from making the school fully accessible despite our best efforts. If we have concerns about your child we will share them with you and ask for your support. If you have concerns about your child, please share them.
We work very hard to support all pupils to ensure that they make the best possible progress. The Inclusion Manager oversees the provision for children who have special educational needs, and works closely with both families and a wide range of outside agencies to ensure that we are meeting their needs.
The school and its governing body is fully committed to the following aims:
- All children will receive a broad and balanced curriculum, relevant to the needs of the individual. Access to the curriculum is therefore facilitated by whatever means necessary to ensure that children can reach their full potential and enhance their self-esteem.
- All children, including those with Special Educational Needs and Disabilites (SEND) and those who speak English as an Additional Language (EAL) are fully integrated into the life of the school and the curriculum, recognising the strengths of every individual as well as any areas of development, and ensuring all contribute to the social and cultural activities of the school.
- Early identification and accurate assessment will ensure we meet the needs of all children and provide appropriate challenges.
- Multi-agency cooperation will be effective in ensuring that provision meets the individual needs of our children.
- Continue to work closely with parents to listen to their views so as to build on children’s previous experiences, knowledge, understanding and skills so that they develop in all aspects of the curriculum.
Our Provision
We follow the Newham Admissions procedure and are particularly keen to welcome children with a range of additional needs. We always endeavour to ensure that provision is made to cater for their needs. All children with SEND, EAL and MAP play a full part in the daily life of the school and are encouraged to join in all activities. If additional provision is necessary, the parents/carers are always consulted. At the admissions interview with the Child Welfare and Inclusion Officer the parents are able to inform the school of any additional needs that their child may have. The vast majority of children who have identified special educational needs learn with support in mainstream classrooms.
We currently have an inclusion class for children on roll whose needs are better met in a small class setting, in order to completely personalise their learning and maximise their individual progress. This is run using a semi-formal curriculum.
- It is personalised and flexible
- It meets the needs of our learners
- It is focused on engagement and development of skills.
We expect children to:
- meet personalised outcomes as recorded on their support plan.
- make appropriate progress against personal and curriculum outcomes (compared to their own prior attainment and progress)
- learn in a language rich, stimulating environment which develops their engagement in activities
- develop their knowledge and understanding of the world around them at a level appropriate to their level of language and cognition.
Engagement is the key building block of learning for children in this setting. The engagement model is only an assessment tool and not the curriculum.The curriculum is used by teachers to provide opportunities for their pupils to:
- acquire, practise and develop skills
- meet the targets specified in their EHC plans or support plans
- feel excited and motivated when learning
- progress in their learning and increase participation
We want children to be able to develop:
- from dependence to independence
- from approximate performance to accuracy
- from inconsistency to consistency
- from achieving in a single context to many contexts
For more information about our semi-formal curriculum approach, please click here
The Newham local offer is available by clicking here and tells parents how to access services in their area and what to expect from these services.
You can also access the Newham Family Information Service by clicking here.
Further information and support can also be found on The Special Educational Nees and Disabilities Information Advice and Support Services Website (Newham)
Further policies regarding SEND & Inclusion can be found on our policies page