Year Group Google Sites at Stratford Manor
Year Group Sites at Manor Primary School
The purpose of our year group websites is to share the children’s learning and experiences with their families and the wider community. The sites also offer a platform so that the pupils can look back at their time at Manor, recognising their achievements and progress over time.
Manor Primary School is committed to using technology to enhance learning and to support home-school communication.
As of September 2017, Each cohort was given a ‘blog’ platform when they join the school. This was replaced in September 2020 with a Google Site. This site will follow the children as they move up the school (e.g. the current reception will be able to look back at their school experiences when they progress through the different key stages at Manor). This will then provide the children with a timeline of their time at Manor Primary School.
Online safety is very important to us. We only post pictures of children when we have received parental consent (usually at admissions meetings). We do not post pictures of children with their names unless we have special permission for specific events. As a general rule, children will never be named against a photo of them.
If a parent or carer wishes for a photograph to be removed from the school website (main or year group), they should put this in writing to the school office. Parents requesting this may be invited to a meeting with a member of the senior leadership team.
The school has issued clear guidance for all staff to ensure that a range of events are captured and that there is consistency between year groups. Steve Buckley, Deputy Headteacher, holds overall responsibility for the blogs/ year group sites – should you have any urgent queries, please contact him via the school office.
Archived blogs:
We know that our pupils like to look back at their time at school. For this reason, we archive our blogs for viewing.