Fire Evacuation Procedure
Discovering a Fire:
It is the responsibility of the person discovering the fire to activate the nearest fire alarm and before any attempt is made by any trained member of staff to tackle the fire.
When the fire alarm has been activated, a signal is automatically sent to Newham Security who will notify the fire service. The Headteacher or Fire Warden will also call 999 to report the fire to the fire service, stating the nature of the emergency and giving the full school postal address.
On hearing the fire alarm signal everyone should immediately leave the building.
Escape Routes:
Everyone should make their way to the assembly point via the nearest safe route. This may vary according to the location of the fire. Fire Wardens and members of the Senior Leadership Team, will instruct staff and students if a route is unsafe to use. If Fire Wardens and Senior Leadership Team members are not able to reach the location of the fire or if there is significant doubt that an escape route is safe to use, all members of staff should use their judgement about the safest way to evacuate the building and reach the assembly point.
Assembly Point:
All members of staff are responsible for ensuring orderly movement towards the designated assembly point and for supervising students at the designated area. On arrival at designated assembly point in the odd playground, children should line up in class
order, with staff facing away from the school building, towards the assembly point.
Once assembled, each class teacher will complete the class register, distributed by the Office Administrator. Children must remain in class order throughout this process. While children are assembling and registers are being taken, staff should insist on quiet and walk around the group to monitor this. Any attached Teaching Assistant should support teachers in this process and their presence recorded by the teacher.
This procedure applies to any visitors to the building in the same way it applies to the staff. Staff are responsible for their visitors and should ensure that they leave the building when the evacuation signal is given. Visitors are persons who are not employees or students of the school and may include contractors, cleaners, representatives, parents etc. Visitors will be checked against the school visitor signing in book to ensure all visitors are accounted for. The Office Administrator will take the visitor signing in book to the assembly point.
Liaison with the emergency services:
The Headteacher or person in charge of the evacuation will liaise with the relevant lead emergency service person, to advise on any missing persons, the location of the fire and any other information requested by the fire brigade or other emergency service person.